Monday, April 30, 2012

The Challenge

Writer's Log. Star date 04302012.  I am somewhere lost between time, organization, writing and the craziness in my head.  Come with me on the voyage I call, The Challenge! (cue Star Trek theme)  I decided to participate in the April Platform Challenge sponsored by My Name is Not Bob blogger Robert Brewer.  It has been an adventure in learning and nothing short of a marathon.
Actually I feel as if I have participated in a marathon.  My head is spinning.  My legs are wobbly and I cannot catch my breath.  I have read, clicked, dragged and responded to the daily tasks only to find myself at the end of the month and still behind on the tasks.  I did begin on about day 19 and have found that playing "catch-up" with something this important has been a monumental feat.

While my head may still be reeling, I must admit I have learned a lot about an author platform and social media and the basics of how it all comes together.  Now, that does not mean for one minute that I am no longer clue-less.  I'm only a little clue-less now as opposed to completely clue-less.  The  "official" challenge will end today, but I will keep plugging away until I complete each of the tasks.  As I look back on the month of April for my monthly re-evaluation, I 'm certain I have fallen short of many of the goals that I set out to accomplish. But, I have met a lot of new people and made many new connections in the writing world.  While I may not have finished first or on time and I may feel like I'm hanging by a thread, the challenge has been a tremendous resource and outlet to help me get my head out of the stars and back on Earth.

Thankfully, tomorrow is a new day and a new month and I will continue to trudge my way through until I find the right mix of time, organization and life!  Thank you Robert Lee Brewer and I wish all the best to my fellow MNINB challenge mates.  I invite you to visit me often via Facebook , Twitter, and LinkedIn.  Let's keep encouraging each other as we all move forward to make our dreams of writing and publishing a reality.


  1. I can only imagine the thoughts running through your head in a foreign land. Where there's a new experience and a new image at every turn. Embrace the changes and challenges and I'm sure you'll have a clear picture of what to create next. Or they'll guide you to take what you have already created to the next level. Miracles and Blessings!

  2. Hi Gayle! Living overseas is the easy part and I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 6 years as an ex-pat. The challenge of writing and organization continues to haunt me. :) Thank you so much for the encouragement and all the best to you.
